
Terra Strata cast forty-four 457mm diameter percussion piles up to a depth of 38 metres at the Penge River Bridge in the Limpopo Province.

Penge River Bridge

Terra Strata cast forty-four 457mm diameter percussion piles up to a depth of 38 metres at the Penge...

Terra Strata Brooklyn Apartments 3

Brooklyn Apartments

This thirteen-week programme saw Terra Strata install one-hundred-and-two 600mm diameter soldier pil...

Tembisa MallIMG_1881

Percussion piling project at Thembisa Mall

The percussion piling project at Thembisa Mall was undertaken for Thembisa Property Invest...

Sheet piling project at Mohembo Bridge in Botswana

The sheet piling project, undertaken for the Itinera and Cimolia JV at the Mohembo Bridge in Botswan...