Matla Box Cut for Exxaro in Kriel




Terra Strata undertook the lateral support and piling to the box cut at the Matla Mine 1 Relocation Project.

  • This technically challenging and complex project saw Terra Strata installing 2m-long soil nails, 1,8m-long resin roof bolts (spin bolts), 4m-long Y25 micro-piles.
  • On the portal face a total of 48 cable anchors (38ton, 6,5m-long) and 72 cable anchors (38ton, 10m-long) were installed.
  • Almost 22 000m² of gunite (75mm and 100mm) together with 75x75x3.15mm diamond chain-link mesh was used on the embankments, bench above the highwall, highwall, benches, and stormwater berms around the box cut.
  • The piling comprised of 1 437m (210mm diameter) DTH Piles, installed using Terra Strata’s Casagrande B125 piling rig. 149mm Diameter drill rods used as reinforcing.
  • The lateral support on the R580 crossing comprised of the installation of 1 398 two-metre-long TB500 soil nails; and almost 7 000m² of gunite (75mm and 100mm) together with 75x75x3.15mm diamond chain-link mesh was used on the embankments, bench above the highwall, highwall and benches.



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July 10, 2023